Expansion and Major Upgrades to TVRWR Facility
Contact Info
City Hall
60 South Main Street
P.O. Box 48
Driggs, Idaho 83422
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Phone: (208) 354-2362
General Email: info@driggsidaho.org

Published: January, 15 2025
[updated 1/23/25: Public Comment Period now open]
City of Driggs Announces Expansion and Major Upgrades to Teton Valley Regional Water Reclamation Facility
EPA Agreement Sets Path for Environmental Improvements and Sustainable Growth
The City of Driggs is taking significant steps to expand and upgrade the Teton Valley Regional Water Reclamation Facility, also known as the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), as part of an agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Justice (DOJ). This consent decree outlines a clear path for Driggs to modernize its wastewater system, enhance water quality protections, and ensure long-term compliance with the Clean Water Act.
Over the next four years, the City of Driggs will implement an expansion and upgrade of its TVRWRF along with additional remedies reflecting the city's commitment to environmental responsibility and public stewardship.
“Driggs is not alone in this matter. Small towns across the country need 25+ million dollar upgrades for treatment facilities due to aging infrastructure,” Mayor August Christensen stated. “By expanding and upgrading our wastewater system, we’re preparing for the growth of our community while protecting our natural resources. This is an investment in our future, and we want our community to know that we are doing everything we can to find funding mechanisms to offset the costs for the bottom line - our utility bill.”
By January 2029, the Teton Valley Regional Water Reclamation Facility will transition to an advanced Activated Sludge Process with Membranes system. This upgrade will utilize existing infrastructure and incorporate new systems, including equalization basins, membrane bioreactors, and biosolids handling facilities, to meet future needs.
To address pollution control and monitoring, the City will increase sampling for incoming wastewater, industrial discharges, and lagoon effluent. Additionally, updated plans for lagoon management, odor control, and sewage sludge handling will be implemented.
The City is also focusing on workforce development, aiming to establish a long-term staffing plan by January 2026. This plan will ensure the expanded facility is adequately staffed and equipped to maintain compliance with environmental regulations.
Efforts to identify and repair excessive inflow and infiltration into the wastewater collection system will continue annually, particularly during periods of high groundwater. Transparency and accountability are key priorities, with the City committing to increased reporting to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on progress, sampling results, and compliance measures. The City’s website will also provide regular updates and access to related documents.
The City will fulfill its obligations by paying a significantly reduced amount of $400,000 in penalties to the U.S. government compared to the $160 million sought originally. Additionally, it will prioritize public health and safety by promptly notifying the community of any unanticipated discharges or environmental risks.
With the current WWTP nearing capacity, these steps aim to ensure long-term compliance and highlight Driggs' dedication to improving its infrastructure and safeguarding the community’s water quality.
We encourage our community to stay informed and engaged as we work to complete these upgrades. Visit the WWTP webpage for updates and FAQs.
Read the full Consent Decree online , the Amended Complaint , the Complaint Appendix A , and the Notice of Lodging . A Federal Register Notice was filed Wednesday, January 22, 2025 opening a public comment period for 30 days until 2/21/25. Commenting information and all filings are online with justice.gov Additional information and project updates are available on the city's WWTP webpage.
Additional media inquiries can be directed to Mayor August Christensen by emailing mayor@driggsidaho.org .