Contact Info
City Hall
60 South Main Street
P.O. Box 48
Driggs, Idaho 83422
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Phone: (208) 354-2362
General Email:
2025 Transportation Master Plan Project Webpage
Transportation Improvement Projects Webpage
Active Parks & Recreation Projects Webpage
Teton Creek Restoration & Flood Hazard Mitigation
Quasi-Judicial Projects
Quasi-Judicial projects are those pending Planning and Zoning, City Council, and/or Design Review Committee revisions, approval, or denial in their application process. Our Public Hearing Page contains information about how to effectively submit comments. All noticed Public Meetings or Public Hearings can be found on the Public Notice Page. Agendas & access information for the Planning & Zoning Commission Meetings and City Council Meetings are posted the week prior to the scheduled meeting.
AX24-3 Live Oak Springs
Conditional Use Permits
CUP24-2 Alexandria Workforce Housing (AOI) fka Sweetwater Multi-Family
Design Review
DR25-2 Point S Tire
DR25-1 Tributary Cottage Court #2
DR24-7 Circle K Gas Station
DR24-6 Modern Moulton Barn
DR24-5 Highland Heights
DR24-4 Victor Mountain Retreat
DR24-3 North Beacon - 544 Moraine Ct.
Plat Amendment
PA24-12 Gavin Lot Split - Ee-Da-How (AOI)
PA24-11 Grimm - Significant Plat Amendment (AOI)
PA24-10 Wood Lilly Dr. - Lots 23 & 24
PA24-9 Tributary PUD Master Plan Update
PA24-8 Tributary Blk 1, 4, 6
PA24-7 Teton Peaks View (Tractor Supply)
PA24-6 Super 8 - Hatch Subdivision Lots 5 & 6
PA24-5 Sweetwater Ranch Ph 1 (AOI)
PA24-4 Aspen Pointe Townhomes
PA23-7 Sweetwater Significant Plat Amendment
Site Development
SD25-2 Flats at Teton Peaks Phase 2
SD24-1 Search and Rescue Building
SD23-4 Teton Ave.
SUB25-2 Shoshoni Plains Ph VI
SUB25-1 West View Business Park - Short Plat
SUB24-10 Burnside Basin Luxury Suites - Condo Plat
SUB24-9 Belle Vue - Concept Plan
SUB24-8 Inspirada Ranch (AOI)
SUB24-7 End of the Trail (AOI)
SUB24-5 Live Oak Springs (AOI)
SUB24-2 Epic Endeavors (Powers) - Concept Plan
SUB23-3 Blue Dog Properties - 415 E Little Ave
SUB23-2 Highland Heights Apartment Complex
SUB22-8 Torre Subdivision (AOI) - Preliminary Plat
SUB22-3 Edge Townhome Project
SUB22-1 Flats at Teton Peaks Subdivision: Multi-family development
SUB21-5 Belle Vue Preliminary Plat
SUB21-1 Stone Peak Townhomes - Phase 2 Final Plat
SUB16-1 Creekside Meadows Ph V Final Plat
SUB07-7 Bear Run Subdivision
Zone Change
ZC25-1 Tributary Cottage Court #2
ZC24-7 Victor Mountain Retreat
ZC24-6 483 E Little Ave (Against the Grain)
ZC24-5 Parkside
ZC24-1 Targhee Housing
ZC22-7 Airport Overlay Zone Map Amendments and Land Development Code related to runway shift
City-Initiated Planning & Zoning Projects
Driggs-Reed Memorial Airport Runway Shift Project (project information on the City of Driggs Airport Website )