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60 South Main Street
P.O. Box 48
Driggs, Idaho 83422
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Friday 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
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CUP24-2 Conditional Use Permit
Alexandria Workforce Housing-AOI (fka Sweetwater Multi-Family)
SUMMARY: On January 24, 2025 Tom Lee of DOBE LLC, on behalf of Alendaria Workforce Housing and its Stakeholders, submitted updated Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application materials, addressing the comments and clarifications outlined in the staff report dated July 5, 2024. The CUP application proposes to build 124 units across 20 buildings on four lots within the Sweetwater Phase I Subdivision (Lot 27, Lot 28, Lot 29 & Lot 30, also known as RP001340000270, RP001340000280, RP001340000290, RP001340000300).
The parcels are located in the city’s Area of Impact (AOI) and are zoned AOI R-3 Multiple-Family Residential. The parcels fall within the Airport Vicinity Overlay. A Conditional Use Permit is required, per Section 9-9A of the effective Driggs AOI code (EXHIBIT H), which states that “Any use proposing to house the concentration of ten (10) or more persons shall not be permitted unless a conditional use permit is approved for a greater concentration of people” due to the location of the proposed project within the Airport Vicinity Overlay.
PROJECT HISTORY: In April 2024 Philip Hanamaikai, representing Corona IG, applied for a Conditional Use Permit to build 24 apartment buildings totaling 130 units, on four lots within the Sweetwater Phase I Subdivision. The applicant’s narrative indicated an intention to develop 124 deed-restricted housing units on the site. The applicant requested and received a water and sewer will-serve letter from the City of Driggs in May of 2023. This will-serve is contingent on deed restrictions for affordable housing, the transfer of water rights commensurate with the demand for the project, and other requirements. The will-serve expires May 16, 2025. The applicant’s narrative indicated that they would build a connecting road to Booshway, in order to provide additional access to the site other than the current access up to E 2500 North (Hastings). A public hearing was held during the regularly scheduled Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on July 10, 2024 where the Commission ultimately tabled the item. Details regarding the motion can be found in the meeting minutes and in the resulting Motion to Table .
Updated application materials were submitted by Tom Lee of DOBE LLC, on behalf of the property owners, on January 24, 2025.
This item will be scheduled for a public hearing during a future Planning & Zoning Commission meeting.
REVIEW PROCESS: Due to the location of the subject parcel within the Driggs AOI and within the Airport Vicinity Overlay, this project requires a Conditional Use Permit, per Sec. 9-9A of the AOI Code (Exhibit H). As such, the Driggs Planning & Zoning Commission will review the application at a public hearing and make a recommendation to the Teton County Board of County Commissioners (BoCC), which will also hold a public hearing and make a final decision on the matter. Conditional Use Permits in the AOI are governed by Sec. 9-2B of the AOI Code. Per Sec. 9-2B, decision-makers may permit conditional use permits where the uses are not in conflict with the comprehensive plan or the zoning code. If the proposed conditional use cannot adequately meet the conditions necessary to assure protection and compatibility with the surrounding properties, uses and neighborhood, decision-makers should not approve the proposed use. Conditions may be attached to an approved conditional use that include, but are not limited to the following:
(1) Minimizing adverse impact on other development;
(2) Controlling the sequence and timing of development;
(3) Controlling the duration of development;
(4) Assuring that development is maintained properly;
(5) Designating the exact location and nature of development;
(6) Requiring the provision for on-site or off-site public facilities or services;
(7) Requiring more restrictive standards than those generally required in an ordinance;
(8) Requiring mitigation of effects of the proposed development upon service delivery by any political subdivision, including school districts, providing services within the planning jurisdiction.
Conditional Use Permits (also known as Special Use Permits) are also governed by Idaho Statute 67-6512 . The adopted process in the AOI code is in line with state statute.
Current Updated Application Materials 1.24.2025:
CUP24-2 Resubmission Letter
CUP24-2 Project Summary
CUP24-2 Proposed Project Schedule
CUP24-2 Phasing Plan
CUP24-2 Traffic Impact Study
CUP24-2 Fiscal Impact Statement
CUP24-2 Construction Drawings
CUP24-2 Lighting Plan
CUP24-2 Landscape Plan
CUP24-2 Architectural Plans
CUP24-2 Avigation Easement - draft
CUP24-2 Development Agreement - draft
CUP24-2 Deed Restriction - draft
CUP24-2 Non-Condominiumization Statement
This project page was last updated on February 13, 2025.