Contact Info
City Hall
60 South Main Street
P.O. Box 48
Driggs, Idaho 83422
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Phone: (208) 354-2362
General Email: info@driggsidaho.org
Community & Economic Development
The City of Driggs Community Development Department develops and implements long-range plans to protect and enhance the city’s livability and economic well-being for current and future generations. Driggs Community Development projects & programs fall under six main headings:
The City of Driggs helped create and supports with the Teton County Idaho Joint Housing Authority . The City of Driggs is committed to increasing the availability of affordable housing options for residents and is partnering with the housing authority on a number of significant projects, including Depot Square , which adds 30 apartments, deed restricted as affordable for households earning under 60% of the Area Median Income. The City has adopted development incentives and has sought to remove barriers to desired new residential development, including multi-family and accessory dwelling units.
The City of Driggs develops and maintains transit facilities (supporting the START Bus commuter routes and Grand Targhee Resort shuttle) and a network of bicycle & pedestrian facilities to provide safe transportation alternatives that reduce traffic and support a healthier community. Â
The city works in partnership with the Teton Regional Economic Coalition to implement the Teton County Economic Development Plan and to attract and develop industries that will create new living wage jobs. Ongoing projects include broadband expansion, business incubators, a micro-loan program, a crowdfunding platform, workforce training partnerships, business startup support and events & tourism promotion.
Projects primarily stem from a partnership with the Driggs Urban Renewal Agency and Downtown Driggs Association and are guided by the adopted Downtown Master Plan , including the 2023 update to the NW Block Framework Plan and NE Block Framework Plan . The City of Driggs is an accredited Main Street community and implements a coordinated 4-Point Approach with its downtown revitalization partners in areas of Design, Promotion, Economic Vitality, and Organization. Projects include street/sidewalk reconstruction, off-street parking lots, visitor and civic facilities, wayfinding, beautification, and incentivizing infill development.
Driggs works to improve existing facilities and expand its recreation system in accordance with the county-wide Recreation Master Plan , adopted Capital Improvement Plan , and with the input of a Parks & Recreation Committee .
The Community Development Director works with the Planning, Public Works and Finance Departments to support the development of plans and tools to address the impacts of growth on city services and facilities.
Department Contact Information
Community Development Director
Doug Self, AICP
208-354-2362 ext 2111