Boards, Commissions & Committees
Contact Info
City Hall
60 South Main Street
P.O. Box 48
Driggs, Idaho 83422
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Phone: (208) 354-2362
General Email:
City Council Meetings
Guiding the City of Driggs with Integrity and Vision
City Council Meets Regularly the first and third Tuesdays of every month. Special meetings will be posted in advance.
City Council Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, April 15, 2025, 6:00 P.M.
City Council Chambers
60 South Main Street, Driggs, Idaho
Mayor: August Christensen, Council President: Miles Knowles, Council Members: Allison Michalski, Jennifer Bragg and Jason Popilsky
We appreciate your interest in Driggs City Government. Instructions for submitting community input, public hearing comments, listening, watching, or attending this meeting in person are below the agenda.
The next agenda will be posted Friday, April 11, 2025. There is no meeting April 1, 2025 due to the lack of quorum.
 *The above times represent the best effort at scheduling. An adjusted order may be necessary for some instances.
 *Please contact city hall (208-354-2362) prior to any meeting if special assistance is needed for those with disabilities planning to attend in-person or via remote participation.
- The Mayor will call for any comments from the public on any subjects except for the following: private land use matters (quasi-judicial) or public hearings listed on this agenda.
- Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes.
- If you wish to express your thoughts on a city matter, there are three options for inputting your comments:
1. Email
2. Schedule a meeting with the Mayor prior to this meeting
3. Give comments in person during Community Input at the start of each Council meeting. Â Items labeled Quasi-Judicial (listed at the end of this agenda) may NOT be discussed with elected officials. Â
To attend this City Council Meeting virtually:
By personal computer or smartphone, access the meeting via the Zoom application one of the following ways:
Click the Zoom Logo on the City of Driggs website: City Council Meeting Information Page
Open Zoom on your device and use the Direct Link:
Or By Phone:Â Dial 312-626-6799 or 646-558-8656 and use Webinar ID: 862 0183 8007
If you would like to comment on a public hearing item via zoom, please "raise your hand" using the icon at the bottom of the zoom screen, or dial *9 if using a phone. Â
To ATTEND this City Council Meeting IN-PERSON:
In-person attendance at city meetings may be limited to allow for proper distancing in accordance with current CDC and health safety recommendations. Face-coverings may be required at city facilities and/or meetings.
To SUBMIT PUBLIC COMMENT for this City Council Meeting:
Public hearing comments will be heard at the appropriate time during the meeting. Visit our Public Hearing webpage for the online form plus more information and tips on what to expect and how to participate in a public hearing.  Â
Written Comment Submission Options:
by filling out the PUBLIC COMMENT FORM online
by mail at Driggs City Hall P.O. Box 48, Driggs, Idaho 83422
by fax to 208-354-8522
by email to
by voicemail when calling 208-354-2362 ext. 1007
 Written comments received by 5 p.m. one week before the date of the meeting will be included in the staff report. Comments will also be heard from those attending the meeting in person and via Zoom. Public hearings will be held at Driggs City Hall and broadcast via telecommunication devices, in compliance with Open Meeting Law, as per state statute. The City is not responsible for technical difficulties.
Previous meeting information is available to view and search in the City's Document Archive . Find City Council Agendas , City Council Meeting Minutes , or watch recordings of previous City Council meetings on the City of Driggs Vimeo channel .