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City Hall
60 South Main Street
P.O. Box 48
Driggs, Idaho 83422
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Phone: (208) 354-2362
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SUB25-2 - Subdivision
Shoshoni Plains Ph VI
SUMMARY: Shoshoni Plains is a Master Planned Development, with an approved Master Plan. The developers are now proposing to plat the next phase of the development – Phase VI. The proposed Phase VI is located on a 51.04 parcel, currently zoned RC-0.5--Residential Cluster, and includes 18 detached single family residential lots, the extension of Guardian Peaks Ln from the south to LeGrand Pierre and two new internal roads to be created, and LeGrand Pierre extended to the intersection with Guardian Peaks Ln. The proposed lots range from about .30 acres to 0.69 acres. Phase VI proposes 4.8 acres of park space, intended to be dedicated to the City, and open space along LeGrand Pierre, as well as additional open space corridors running north to south along either side of the subdivision. The project area is zoned RC-0.5 Residential Cluster and is within the Natural Resource Overlay, specifically the Big Game Migration Corridor and Seasonal Range. The master plan for Shoshoni Plains is also proposed to be updated, rearranging and resizing parcels while realigning roads and opens space.
BACKGROUND: The first phase of Shoshoni Plains and the original Master Plan were approved and platted in 2005. Since that time, Phases II, III, IV, IVA, and IVB, V have been platted. The Phase V Project Area was initially included within Phase IVB, however, in 2018-2021, Phase IVB was amended and that particular area was vacated, although the water systems had already been installed. During this time, the Master Plan has guided the development of the Shoshoni Plains Subdivision. The Master Plan shows total of 382 lots to be platted. So far, within Phases I through V, 188 lots have been platted. At this time, the Developer has indicated a plan to continue development that is in line with the adopted Master Plan.
A Concept Plan Application for Phase VI was submitted on March 4, 2025 and will be reviewed administratively.
REVIEW PROCESS: This proposal constitutes a Full Plat Subdivision per §14.5.6 of the Driggs Land Development Code (LDC). Full Plat approval is a three-step process. The first step is a Concept Plan Review by the Planning and Zoning Administrator. Preliminary Plat approval comes from the City Council, after recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission. Finally, Final Plat approval is granted from the City Council after all improvements have been installed and inspected. All recommendations and approvals require public hearings except for the Final Plat. (See Article 14.1, Summary of Review Authority). For phased development, such as Shoshoni Plains, the Master Plan of future phases must be submitted with the first phase. Each phase must obtain Preliminary Plat and Final Plat approval independently.
SUB25-2 Shoshoni Plains Ph VI Concept Plan Narrative
SUB25-2 Shoshoni Plains Ph VI Concept Plan
SUB25-2 Shoshoni Plains Ph VI Water Report
SUB25-2 Road Name Request Approval
SUB25-2 Shoshoni Plains Concept Master Plan