City Of Driggs

Contact Info
City Hall

60 South Main Street
P.O. Box 48
Driggs, Idaho 83422

Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Phone: (208) 354-2362

General Email:


Live Oak Springs

SUMMARY: Live Oak Springs is a proposed residential subdivision that is in the Driggs Area of Impact just southeast of the Driggs Airport. Its current zoning designation is ADR – 0.5. It is surrounded by the Shoshoni Plains and Ski Hill Ranch Subdivisions on the southern boundary, Targhee Ranches Subdivision on the east boundary, and the Sweetwater Subdivision on the north boundary. The west boundary is adjacent to the city limits for the City of Driggs and is zoned Industrial Flex (IX) and Light Industrial (IL).

A Subdivision Concept Plan application was submitted to Teton County in June, 2024. The Concept Plan application was heard at a Joint Teton County and City of Driggs Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on September 11, 2024. The item was tabled by the Commission at that hearing. Documents related to the Concept Plan application can be found here .

PROJECT HISTORY: The applicant is pursuing two avenues for development – 1) an annexation proposal for City zoning and subsequent development plan submission and 2) a subdivision application with the existing Area of Impact Zoning within Teton County. The AOI Subdivision Concept Plan application for the subject property was submitted to Teton County in June, 2024. The Subdivision Concept Plan application was heard at a Joint Teton County and City of Driggs Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on September 11, 2024. The item was ultimately tabled by the Commission at that hearing because the applicant had submitted additional materials for review. The item application will be heard at a future Joint Teton County and City of Driggs Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. The Joint Commission will make a recommendation to the Teton Board of County Commissioners (BoCC). The BoCC will make a decision, at a public hearing, on the subdivision application.

Related Documents:
SUB24-5 Concept Plan Narrative
SUB24-5 Concept Master Plan
SUB24-5 Soil Report
SUB24-5 Water Right
SUB24-5 Staff Report Joint Planning & Zoning Commission 9.11.2024

RELATED PROJECTS: On October 25, 2024 an application for Annexation and Zone Change (as noted above in the Project History section of this page) was submitted. A neighborhood meeting, pertaining to the annexation application, was held on February 20, 2025. Information regarding this application can be found at .

This project page was last updated on February 20, 2025.

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60 South Main Street
Post Office Box 48
Driggs, Idaho 83422


Website by Caldera Creative

Website by Caldera Creative