Boards, Commissions & Committees
Contact Info
City Hall
60 South Main Street
P.O. Box 48
Driggs, Idaho 83422
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Phone: (208) 354-2362
General Email:
Planning & Zoning Commission
The Planning and Zoning Commission is a volunteer board that reviews and makes recommendations on land use and development applications , assists in updating the City’s Comprehensive Plan and proposes amendments to related ordinances. P&Z meets regularly on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Meetings are held at City Hall and are open to the public.
The Planning & Zoning Commission is a five member commission appointed by the Mayor and a majority vote of City Council. Commissioners serve for a maximum of 2 terms, 3 years each.
2024 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Schedule
** Please note that submittal of an application on or by the listed due date, does NOT guarantee that the application will be heard during the next P&Z Commission meeting. Please use these dates as a general guide. All applications are subject to a completeness review by the Planning & Zoning Administrator.Â
** Please note that applications which require a Neighborhood Meeting (per Article 14 of the Land Development Code ), will be scheduled for a public hearing AFTER the Neighborhood Meeting has been conducted.
P&Z Meeting Date  =  Complete Application dueÂ
12/13/23 = 10/26/23
1/10/24 = 11/23/23
2/13/24* = 12/28/23 *special meeting date - Tuesday, 2/13/24
3/13/24 = 1/25/24
4/10/24 = 2/21/24
5/8/24 = 3/21/24
6/12/24 = 4/25/24
7/10/24 = 5/23/24
8/14/24 = 6/27/24
9/11/24 = 7/25/24
10/19/24 = 8/22/24
11/13/24 = 9/26/24
12/11/24 = 10/24/24
Planning & Zoning Commission
Department Contact Information
Planning & Zoning Administrator
Leanne Bernstein, AICP
208-354-2362 ext 2106
Planning & Building Coordinator
Carly Andersen
208-354-2362 ext 2105