City Of Driggs

Public Hearing Notice for Planning & Zoning's April 13th meeting

Contact Info
City Hall

60 South Main Street
P.O. Box 48
Driggs, Idaho 83422

Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Phone: (208) 354-2362

General Email:

Published: March, 23 2022

Pursuant to established procedure, Idaho Statutes, and the Emergency Declarations issued by the Mayor and Governor of Idaho, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Driggs Planning & Zoning Commission and the Teton County Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a JOINT public hearing at Driggs City Hall, with the opportunity to listen via remote broadcasting, on Wednesday, April 13, 2022 at 6:30 PM. Information on how to join the webinar will be posted prior to the meeting on the Planning & Zoning Commission's Meeting Information Page as well as at City Hall. The hearing item is described below.

SUB21-2 Mummford Solly's Subdivision Area of Impact: SUB21-2 Project Page

The purpose of this hearing is to consider a SUBDIVISION APPLICATION for the property located S 750 E and Cemetery Rd, current RP05N45E360175, in the Area of Impact. The proposed division would split this 4.97 acre parcel into 5 parcels of 0.99 acres each. The application proposes individual wells and connection to City of Driggs sewer service. The subject parcel lies within the Teton County Wildlife Overlay.

Review Criteria & Process:

The Planning & Zoning Commission Chair from each jurisdiction, City of Driggs and Teton County, will appoint members of each Planning & Zoning Commission to create a Joint Planning & Zoning Commission. The Joint Commission will evaluate the application based on compliance with Teton County’s Subdivision procedure, as per the Area of Impact Agreement between the City of Driggs and Teton County. Following a recommendation by the Joint Commission, the Teton County Board of County Commissioners will hold a public hearing and make a final decision on the application.

Information pertinent to this application is available for review at the Teton County Court House planning department and at Driggs City Hall and on the City’s website Projects Page . A joint city and county staff report will be posted prior to the hearing.

Written comments received by 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 5, 2022, by mail at Driggs City Hall P.O. Box 48, Driggs, Idaho 83422, by fax to 208-354-8522, emailed to, by voicemail by calling 208-354-2362 ext. 1007, or submitted through the online form on the Public Hearing Page  will be included in the staff report. Comments received after April 5th and before the start of the meeting can be read into the record during the meeting. Comments will also be heard during the public hearing by those attending the meeting in person. There will be no opportunity for remote commenting during this meeting.

This public hearing will be held at Driggs City Hall and broadcast via telecommunication devices, in compliance with Open Meeting Law, as per state statute.

To LISTEN ONLY to this Planning & Zoning Committee Meeting:

            By personal computer, or smartphone use Zoom application: Webinar ID: 856 1872 8057

            By Phone: Dial 312-626-6799 or 646-558-8656 and use Webinar ID: 856 1872 8057

            In-person at City Hall, 60 S. Main Street, Driggs ID

Our Online Comment Form and more information on how to submit a public hearing comment can be found on our Public Hearing Comment Page .

Please contact the city Planning & Zoning Administrator, Leanne Bernstein, via 208-354-2362 ext. 2106 or email with any questions regarding the hearing or to request communication aids, services, or other accommodations to participate.

Al ser solicitada, ésta notificación puede ser proveída en un formato fácil de usar para personas con discapacidad y/o personas con conocimientos limitados del Inglés.

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60 South Main Street
Post Office Box 48
Driggs, Idaho 83422


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