Welcome Aspen Point and Stone Ridge Owners and Residents to the City of Driggs!
Contact Info
City Hall
60 South Main Street
P.O. Box 48
Driggs, Idaho 83422
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Phone: (208) 354-2362
General Email: info@driggsidaho.org

Published: December, 13 2022
Welcome Aspen Point and Stone Ridge Owners and Residents to the City of Driggs!
The Driggs City Council adopted ordinance 455-22 on December 6, 2022, annexing both the Aspen Point Townhomes and Stone Ridge Townhomes developments into the City of Driggs. The annexation becomes effective on December 14, 2022 when notice is published in the Teton Valley News. With the adoption of ordinance 455-22, the City Council also requested that staff prioritize the following actions:
- complete improvement of the Cemetery Rd connection to the Teton Creek Trail (construction is scheduled for summer 2023); Â
- pursue the addition of a stop for the Grand Targhee Shuttle, serving the annexed area (a request was submitted to Grand Targhee and START); Â
- improve snow removal on Ski Hill Rd ( Driggs Public Works will be working on additional snow removal along Ski Hill Rd as weather and time permits with the goal of widening the available road width so that east-bound left turn lane has protection from westbound traffic.)  Â
- require Aspen Meadows to be paved as Lots11 and 3 of Stone Ridge is built out; Â
- facilitate consideration of the dedication of Aspen Meadows Rd as a publicly owned and maintained road within the annexation area; Â
- pursue planning and development of additional pathways to ensure safe pedestrian and bicycle connection to downtown, neighborhood parks, etc..Â
Utility customers in the two developments will see lower water and sewer usage rates starting on the December bill.Â
Teton County Treasurer has confirmed that the Driggs levy rate will be added to 2023 property tax notices. For questions on property taxes, please contact Liz Card, Teton County Treasurer, at ecard@co.teton.id.us .Â
Owners of Short-Term Rental properties will need to obtain a Short-Term Rental Permit. For details on what is required, please visit our Short Term Rental Page and, if sales tax is not already collected and submitted by your rental platform (e.g., Air BnB / VRBO), you will need to complete city sales tax forms, which are available on the Sales Tax Page.
STR and sales tax questions should be sent to Kreslyn Schuehler, City Clerk, at KSchuehler@DriggsIdaho.org .Â
Historical information on this annexation including staff reports and public hearing infformation can be found on the AX22-3 Project Page.
Other questions or comments can be sent to either Mayor August Christensen at Mayor@DriggsIdaho.org  or Community Development Director Doug Self at DSelf@DriggsIdaho.org .