City Of Driggs

Public Hearings: 12/14 P&Z Commission Meeting

Contact Info
City Hall

60 South Main Street
P.O. Box 48
Driggs, Idaho 83422

Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Phone: (208) 354-2362

General Email:

Published: November, 17 2022

Pursuant to established procedure and Idaho Statutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Driggs Planning & Zoning Commission will hold public hearings at 60 S. Main St. in Driggs City Hall and virtually via Zoom on Wednesday, December 14, 2022, at 6:30 pm. There will be opportunity for the public to comment on public hearing items. Information on accessing the meeting and the agenda are available below and at City Hall. The hearing and meeting items are as follows:

 Public Hearing ZC22-5: Zone Map Amendment
The Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a zone map amendment for the approximately 0.5-acre parcel (LOT 3 BLK 21 DRIGGS TOWNSITE, RPA00140210030) to change the base zoning from RS-7 to RS-3. Further information regarding this application can be found online here:

 Public Hearing ZC22-6: Zone Map Amendment
The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a zone map amendment for the south 75 feet of Lots 7 and 8 of Block 5, Driggs Annex owned by the City of Driggs along the north side of Teton Avenue to change the base zoning from REC to RS-3 to allow for the construction of City of Driggs Employee Housing. Further information regarding this application can be found here:

 Public Hearing SUB22-9: Preliminary Plat Subdivision
The Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider the preliminary plat subdivision of a 21-acre parcel located at 411 S 5th Street (RPA5N45E363800) into 5 new parcels ranging in size from 3.62-acres to 7.55-acres. Further information regarding this application can be found here:

 Public Hearing AMD22-3: Amendments to the Land Development Code
The Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a suite of amendments to the Land Development proposed by planning staff addressing street tree standards, landscaping standards, and vegetative management standards. Further information regarding the amendments can be found here:

How to Review, Access, & Submit Comment
Review criteria, process and documents pertaining to these applications are available on the corresponding website address listed above. A staff report will be available the week prior to the meeting date. Zoom instructions and access links are available on the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page.

Instructions for submitting a public hearing comment are available on the Public Hearing Page.  Comments received by 5 p.m. Wednesday, December 7, 2022 will be included in the staff report. Comments received after December 7 and before the start of the meeting will be read into the record during the meeting. Those attending the meeting in person can comment during the corresponding agenda item. Remote commenting during this meeting is not available.

 Please contact Assistant Planner Justin Mehlhaff via 208-354-2362 ext. 2109 or with any questions regarding the hearing or to request communication aids, services, or other accommodations to participate.

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60 South Main Street
Post Office Box 48
Driggs, Idaho 83422


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